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Lunar Cat


Style: Hefeweizen with Peaches

ABV:   4.4%
Grain: Pilsner, Red Wheat, White Wheat
Hops:  Mandarina Bavaria

Extras: peach puree and extract
Fermented with German weissbier yeast
Tasting notes: fresh sourdough bread with peaches, hints of banana and cloves

Pair with: Beets & Cheese, Strawberry Arugula Salad

Brewer's Notes

I love German Weissbiers. I've done plenty of beer travels, and it's the one style that I truly believe cannot be exported. A beer is always going to taste better in the right setting - anyone who has had a pint of Guinness at cozy pub in Dublin will swear it tastes better there - but Weissbier is such an incredibly delicate style that it simply cannot maintain 100% of its quality outside of its home turf.

So when I make a weissbier, I'm attempting to make its home turf in Bettendorf, Iowa. I use German malt, hops, yeast... I even use German water - we use 100% reverse osmmosis water and build up a Munich water profile - it's biochemically German water. And I have a lot of German ancestors, so you're getting the real deal here (!). I also acknowledge Americans like to add fruit to their wheat beers, so let's toss some in and have fun with it ;-)

I've been looking for a beer to name after one of my cats, so why not this one? Luna waits outside my bedroom every morning, ready for me to pick her up and carry her to the computer where I will sometimes start my day writing or modifying a beer recipe. I hope this one lives up to her standards.

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